Is Your Pipeline Needing Replacements?

06/05/2014 09:36

Pipes would never last a lifetime. They would surely succumb to corrosion and decay. Sooner or later, they would burst out and flood you house causing damage and huge expenses. But how can one tell if a plumbing disaster is imminent? Is there a way to know when to replace your water pipes?

Water leaking from the pipes is the simplest indication that tells it’s time to have the pipes replaced. Leaks are indications that the pipes are corroded and have decayed already. The reason why the pipes have corroded is because of age. It is also possible that plumber used poor quality pipes. Another possible reasons is perhaps the water supply is the one corroding the pipes because certain elements found in the water.

Also look for any stains around the water pipes and the walls. Stains would be the sign that there was a leak once. Even if the pipes are not leaking anymore, it might still leak or become worse in the future. To prevent this from happening, replace the pipes. Check if there’s dimpling, flaking, pimples or discoloration in the pipes. These things indicate pipe corrosion and decay. When these indications are present, call a plumber right away.

Try to see if the water looks normal or not. Check its color or see if it is yellowish or brownish. If this happens, then this means the pipes are decaying inside and rust is already taking place. Water then becomes unsafe so consider